I guess I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, for too many days now. I am in full on rage mode. The job I have I set up appointments, and go to people's homes for an estimate. I get paid for each appointment I go to. Two days ago I arrive at an appointment. The appointment was setup for 4:00, as I am very punctual, I showed up twenty minutes early. No one was home. I waited til 4:01 still no one. I then call the customer, she says her husband will be there any minute. Ten minutes later she calls back and says there is a key in the electric panel box. I go check and there is no key. She calls back ten minutes later an says her husband should be there any minute and she herself will be there soon. Twenty minutes go by. Finally it is 4:45, and I have waited for her for over an hour. I called her to tell her I must leave to make it to my 5:00 appointment. She then proceeds to tell me sorry, and that her boss got fired and that is why she could not make it. I rescheduled for today. Under these circumstances I could still get paid an additional trip charge from the company for the way she handled it. I went through all the proper channels. The company says if that is what happened they will pay me, but they want to confirm the story with the customer. This morning I get a email stating customer says she told me her boss got fired and rescheduled with me. Therefore they will not pay me. She basically left out the whole story and now I look like a douche bag to the company, and do not get paid. I drove an hour out of the way to go there then sat there for another hour. And now I have to go see this lying bitch today and be professional. I want to strangle her, and she probably doesn't even know, what she has done to me. I am furious. I am just plain sick to my stomach. Not only about this, after all it is only thirty dollars, and a couple hours of my time and gas. I am just sick of everything. I am sick of being broke. I am sick of being a scapegoat. I'm sick of people not following through. I'm sick of people lying. I'm sick of the government. I am sick of being let down. I'm sick of no one being there for me. I'm sick of the god damn corporations running our country. I'm sick of living in a free country where nothing is free. I'm sick of wearing a god damn seat belt. I'm sick of walking in to a crowded room and feeling alone. I'm sick of being taxed on everything. I sick of smug people. I'm sick of people saying something, when they really don't know what the fuck their talking about. I sick of being sick. I'm sick of hearing shitty music. I'm sick of rotten vegetables when I go to buy produce. I'm sick of not having enough time to do the things I want. I'm sick of spending 90 percent of my life working for someone who doesn't give a rats ass about me. I'm sick of buying stuff that breaks within a week of buying it. I sick of parents not being there for their kids. I'm sick of dumbass drivers. I'm sick of parents blaming the schools for their kids being stupid, when they have never sat down and spent anytime doing homework or reading to them. I'm sick of politicians running on a platform, then not following through with any of it. I'm sick of fucking congress being so worried that one party or the other will get credit for something, that no compromises can be made, and everyone gets screwed. I'm sick of high gas prices. I'm sick of the oil companies keeping the car companies from making better cars. I'm sick of having Jesus pushed on me, on a weekly basis. I'm sick of spam. I'm sick of political correctness, if it walks like a duck, its a fucking duck. I'm sick of the price of everything going up but people's pay. I'm sick of every vote not counting. I'm sick of living in a free country, where you are free to do only what they tell you. Wow, sorry for the long-winded rant. I wish I could say that I feel better, but I do not. I am just Sick of it ALL.
I feel bad but obviously not as bad as you, I'm not going to say say something like get better soon because that's shite but a good rant all the same and stop letting the bastards grind you down.
Thanks Angry Lurker
me too... rant on!!
Take some deep breaths, maybe run away and do some fishing or something relaxing.
That woman handled that situation terribly. If you make an appointment, keep it.
For whatever it's worth, I've found that anger can be productive if you channel it towards achieving goals.
You should tell the woman what happened she might not know her stupidity screwed you over.
She might just think your company called to make sure you rescedualled the appointment and not to check on if what you said happened happened! She might be oblivious to you needing to get paid.
Chin up.
But, yet, it's the freest country in the world... except when there's martial law soon. God bless you.
Take a day off and try to focus on positive things, stuff like this really wear you down after a while. Hopefully it'll get better soon!
try to get better
well gerry this is the site address ,ring them if you need them in a hurry , mention Howard h recommened you
I feel you man, things just seem to be getting worse and worse as we age. I loved the rant - full of salient points rather than just some scatter-brained crap. Shame you haven't updated your blog in so long, you have some great ideas.
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