So my family has started a new tradition. Every year when it is time to pick out the Halloween jack-o-lantern, my whole family dresses up in full costume, and heads to a local pumpkin patch. It's sort of embarrassing, because it is always two or three weeks before Halloween. No one else is dressed up. Every once in a while there will be a small child in costume, but we are usually the only one's. You should see the looks and finger pointing that goes on. This all started about eight years ago when my first daughter was two months old. We carried her to the pumpkin patch dressed like a lady bug to take pictures sitting in the pumpkins. My wife thought it would be cute. Every year thereafter we went back and took her in costume. When my second daughter came we continued the tradition, sticking them down by the pumpkins and getting a few pictures. About four years ago, my wife started dressing up with the kids when we went. Until this point it was not really embarrassing. Every once in a while we would run into other people who's children were in costume, but never adults. One thing you must know about my wife, she loves to dress up. Halloween is her favorite holiday. So who am I to crush her spirit. Almost every year we went to the same small, family owned pumpkin patch. There was never really a large crowd. Last year one of her friends took their kid to a huge pumpkin patch, hayride, corn maze, and petting zoo farm. So, guess where we were going? If you guessed there, then you were right. There were hundreds and possibly thousands of people. Of course my family were the only one's in costume. My wife did not care though, that is what I love about her. I have always not really cared about what people think of me, but something about this was embarrassing to me. So we spent at least two hours there and of course everywhere we went, we were the center of attention. No matter how it made me feel, they had a ball and that is all that really matters to me. So this year my son is about five weeks old. My wife said she was going to the pumpkin patch. She had went out and bought him a little devil costume. She actually gave me the option not to go this year, because she knows I do not really get as excited about it as they do. I guess the fact that she did not force me to go this year, actually made me want to go. Human behavior really astonishes me, especially mine. So we packed up the car, and went to the local patch. My family was dressed in costume. We let the kids run around and play in the pumpkins. We put little man down in a group of pumpkins, as we have always done with all three children. My wife told me she had brought my devil mask, in case I wanted to join in. At first I was hesitant, but she said "you don't have to wear it you are just as scary lookin without it". She was right. I can be a pretty scary looking dude. I decided to put the mask on and join in the fun. We let the kids try to pick out a pumpkin and of course they wanted the biggest one they could fine. I bought it and we went on our way. I know now that this will be a family tradition for many years to come in our family. Hopefully even passed down to my grand kids. So feel free to take our tradition and make it your own. If anyone has any similar stories or weird family traditions, I would love to hear about it.
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